

한의원 월 - 토요일 10am - 5pm

Three years after immigrating to America in 1977, I noticed symptomatic changes in my body. I was constantly thirsty, my weight reduced significantly, and I experienced fatigue and loss of strength. So, I went to see a doctor. He told me I had diabetes. I took different kinds of prescription medications but could not control my glucose level. My doctor told me to reduce my caloric intake significantly. My health started to deteriorate as I ate less and less to reduce my blood sugar level. I became bedridden and felt miserable.

As a licensed doctor of oriental medicine, I started to look for alternative ways to control my diabetes. After searching for years for a product that was effective, I discovered an, all natural, herbal pill. In only three days, my glucose level became normal, and after one month, I was able to eat without restrictions. My weight increased and I was able to lead a normal life. I was so amazed by the effect of the pill that I became, not only an advocate, but the national distributor.

So, to those of you who are suffering from diabetes, I want to introduce you to Dong-Yi herbal care for diabetics. It is my mission to distribute this pill to help those who are suffering from diabetes. Through clinical trials with my patients, I was able to witness results. Many of my patients experienced a dramatic decrease in their blood sugar levels including those who struggled for years with this problem. Not only were glucose levels normalizing, patients had to take less of their diabetes prescription. Some patients stopped taking their medications and insulin altogether.

I am a retired ordained minister with the United Methodist Church. After 40 years of ministry, I consider my practice of herbal medicine as a second calling. I am thrilled to introduce and make this amazing product available to you.

Dr. Pyong Un Oh

Lic #AC623


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