유씨교육센터-la(엘에이 어학원,애프터스쿨)
323-935-7921 (FAX)
UC Education Center의 교육목표
UC Education Center는 어린이들의 학습지도와 특별활동을 통하여 지적,정서적,사회적,
신체적으로 균형있게 성장하는 글로발 인재양성을 목표로 1997년 설립된
비영리 전문교육기관으로서 주정부 정식 인가를 받은 학교입니다.(인가번호 197406974)
* Word Analysis, Fluency, Vocabulary and Concept Development – use pictures to identify or make predictions about the story, simple questions about the story (One to two word responses), produce English phonemes while story telling time
* Concepts about Print, Phonemic Awareness, Decoding and Word Recognition – identify the parts of a book (front, back and cover), recognize and distinguish letters from sound
*Sentence Structure, Organization and Focus, Spelling, Penmanship – write upper case and lower case letters, use letters and phonetically spelled words to write a simple sentence and journal
*Number Sense, Simple additions and Subtractions, Sort and Classify objects, Concept of time and units of Measurement, Geometric objects – understand the relationship between numbers and quantities, identify the numbers to answer to addition and subtraction, identity, sort and classify the object by size, shape or colors, compare the length and weight of objects to understand the concept of units of measurement, Name the days of the week and time
*Comprehension and Analysis, Narrative Analysis, Vocabulary Concept Development, Literary Criticism – Summarize the major ideas of the books, identify and describe the elements of plot, characters, and theme, understand the format of text (diagram, maps charts), identify and state the purpose or main idea in the story
*Daily Journal, Critical Thinking, Friendly & Business Letter, Narrative Writing, Persuasive Writing, Informal Paragraph, Evaluation and Revision – write and speak in complete sentences, use commas, periods, exclamation point, and question mark, quotation mark correctly, be able to complete and correct declarative, interrogative, and exclamatory sentence in writing and speaking
*Arithmetic (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division), Measurement, Area Volume, Ratio & Percent, Graphs & Probability, Basic Algebra & Geometry, Problem Solving – count by 2s, 5s, 10s, 100s, 1000s, understand the meaning of the symbols (+, -, x, ÷ )understand the relationship between whole numbers, fractions, and decimals, identify and describe the solid geometric shapes, estimation to reasonable
*Ancient History, American History, United States Geography, Life Science, Earth Science, Physical Science - Make predictions based on observed patterns, measure length, weight, temperature, and liquid volume with appropriate tools and express those measurements in standard metric system units, identify the different types of animals, plants in earth, understand the concepts of solar system and Ecology Recognize the symbols (state animal, national flag, national flower, national anthem) of states and United States, demonstrates map skills by describing location of people, place and objects, research on their community and local historical events, Understand the function, structures, and role of government
*Advanced comprehension Skills, Strong Vocabulary Skills and Advanced Literary Analysis, Critical Reading & Inferential Techniques to a variety of Subjects
*Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Manipulate Arithmetic Properties Involving Integers, Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages, Geometry, Multi-step Problems
*Creative Essay, Current Event & News, Discussion
2009 UC Summer School의 특징
1. 프로그램을 통해서 그동안 부족했던 과목을 보충학습하고 새학년을 철저히 준비할수 있도록 도와줍니다.
2. UC 학력평가 시험을 실시하여 시상함으로써 학업의욕을 높여주며 개개인의 실력을 평가하여 그에따른 집중지도를 합니다.
3. 일반 수업이외에 Speech & Debate,Reading,Writing Club,Piano,Art,수영 및 테니스등의 특별활동을 함께 교육받을수 있습니다.
4. 다양한 Field Trip과 Summer Camp를 통해서 색다르고 흥미로운 어린시절의 꿈과 추억을 함께 만들어 갈것입니다.
5. 연방정부에서 실시하는 아동영양보조Program을 통해서 하루4번(아침,점심,간식,저녁식사)의 영양식을 무료로 제공합니다.
등록대상 및 Open시간
1. UC Summer School에 등록할수 있는 학생은 신학기를 기준으로 Kindergarten부터 8학년까지입니다.
2. 학부모님들의 편의를 위해 8:00~7:00까지 Open하며 Pick-up Service도 제공합니다.
Camp 및 Field Trip 안내
1. Camp 장소-Palm Springs에 있는 CJ Grand Hotel
2. Field Trip-매주 금요일은 Field Trip을 갑니다.
매 Trip마다 대형 School버스를 이용하며 장소는 Knott's Berry Farm,Raging Waters,Beach등입니다.
더 자세한 사항은 직접방문하시거나 전화주시기 바랍니다.
세부 카테고리
KWave 스타톡
- 정국 '골든', '빌보드 200' 2위 데뷔…첫주 K팝 ...
- 스트레이 키즈, 美 빌보드 '톱 K팝 앨범' 수상...
- 태연, 새 앨범 수록곡 '번 잇 다운'에 담아낸 ...
- 에스파, 새 미니앨범 'Drama'에 담은 드라마...
- 볼빨간사춘기, 8개월 만에 새 앨범 발매
- BTS 정국, 첫 솔로 싱글 'Seven'으로 美 빌보...
- 트레저, 美 빌보드 '핫 트렌딩 송즈' 1위
- ITZY, 새 앨범 타이틀곡 'CAKE' 뮤비 티저 공개...
- '하이브 신인' 보이넥스트도어, 새 앨범 트레일...
- BTS 뷔, 첫 솔로 앨범 낸다…민희진 총괄 프...
코리아포탈 뉴스