작성일 : 15-04-21 22:46
대학에세이, 과제, Assignment 작성, 수정, 첨삭 (Ph.D. 의 최고급 컨설팅)
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대표 Writer 이력+ 경력사항
Editor 1. Phillips Academy (High School) SAT upper 0.1% Harvard University : Bachelor of Asian studies / Bachelor of History Stanford University Graduate School of Business (GSB) - Master of Business Administration (Applied finance & Economics) Boston Consulting Group (Office in HongKong) Chase Banking Group (Senior Business Anaylst) .
Writer 1. University of California UCB: Bachelor of Economics 졸업 (Honour 1st Class) USC: Ph.D. of Applied Finance 재학중 Westpac Banking Corporation - Economic Analyst (2009-2012) MATLAB, SAS, SPSS등 통계 프로그램 expert
Writer 2.
NYU : Bachelor of Law + Bachelor of Commerce with honours Stanford Graduate School of Business (MBA / Ph.D. in Accounting) KPMG Senior Tax Consultant
Writer 3. USC Bachelor of Economics University of Oxford Law School (Bachelor of Law) Graduates Taylor & Scott Lawyers
Writer 4. Oxford University (Bachelor of Science: Major in Math) London School of Economics (Ph.D. in Applied Finance)
Writer 3. Johns Hopkins University : Bachelor of Medical Science Johns Hopkins University : M.B.B.S program (Faculty of Medicine)
Writer 4. New York State University at Buffalo: Bachelor of Nursing New York University: Master of Nursing (졸업)
Writer 5. Caltech: Bachelor of Civil Engineering / Master of Project Management University of Michigan : Ph.D. in Project Management - Property development . . (120명이상 미국 최고의 원어민 Writer & Editor 보유)
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