TUTOR 과학,수학,영어
Get one-on-one tutoring to excel in school!
1대1과외로 학교에서 성공하십시요.
Study with a personalized student learning plan!
계획으로 공부하십시요.
College Courses : Science,
Math, English (All classes : including Organic Chemistry, Anatomy, Physics,
Critical Writing) ,or undergraduate or
graduate level test prep.
AP : Biology Calculus AB BC Chemistry
Physics Statistics Environmental Science, Anatomy Physiology
IB : Physics Chemistry
Biology Math
7th -12th : Algebra1
2 Geometry Trigonometry PreCalculus Calculus Statistics Physics Chemistry
Biology Creative Writing, Writing & Grammar Reading Comprehension
K-6th : Math, Science Writing & Grammar
Reading Comprehension
SAT : Math Critical Reading
& Writing,
SAT2 : Math Physics
Chemistry Biology
ACT : English Math Science
120 min for $80 (K-6th)
120 min for $90 (7th -12th)
120 min for $100 (AP
Courses, SAT, ACT)
120 min for $110 (College Courses
or Other Test
Prep: Call for detail)
[ TRIP FEE EXTRA : 거리와위치에 따라 추가비 있습니다 ]