TUTOR: 과학,수학,영어 [초중고대학생 전문과외] [ College/Adult, K-12th: Science, Math, English]
Get one-on-one or small group tutoring to excel in school! 1대1 또는 그룹 과외로 학교에서 성공하십시요. Study with a personalized student learning plan! 개인별 수준에 맞춘 계획으로 공부하십시요.
College Courses :Science, Math, English (including, but not limited to: Organic Chemistry, Anatomy, Physiology, Physics, Critical Writing… …) Or Adults :undergraduate or graduate level test prep: TOFEL, GED, TESOL, GMAT…and other Tests Preparations SAT :Math Critical Reading & Writing, SAT2 :Math Physics Chemistry Biology ACT :English Math Science AP :Biology Calculus AB BC Chemistry Physics Statistics Environmental Science, Anatomy Physiology IB :Physics Chemistry Biology Math 7th -12th :Algebra1 2 Geometry Trigonometry PreCalculus Calculus Statistics Physics Chemistry Biology Creative Writing, Writing & Grammar Reading Comprehension K-6th :Math, Science Writing & Grammar Reading Comprehension
(909) 373 - 6928 시간당$80or higher/hr :College Courses, or Other Tests Preparations: Call for detail) 시간당$75/hr (AP classes, SAT / ACT) 시간당$70/hr (9th – 12th) 시간당$65/hr (5th - 8th) 시간당$60/hr (K- 4th) Each tutoring session is 2 hours long:각 과외시간은 2시간 부터입니다. [ TRANSIT FEE EXTRA : 이동시간에 따라 추가출장비 있습니다 ]
[방문과외와 온라인과외:둘다 가능합니다] I am also offering live online tutoring for students those who need tutoring but cannot get in-person tutoring due to conflicts with location, transit time, or personal schedule. 과외가 필요하신 학생들중 과외장소, 이동시간, 또는 개인스케줄 때문에 직접 만나서 과외가 힘드신 학생들을 위한 온라인 실시간 과외도 하고 있습니다. |