[ College/Adult, K-12th: Science, Math, English]
Get one-on-one or small group tutoring to excel in school!
1대1 또는 그룹 과외로
학교에서 성공하십시요.
Study with a personalized student learning plan!
계획으로 공부하십시요.
College Courses :Science, Math, English
(including, but not limited
to: Organic Chemistry, Anatomy, Physiology, Physics, Critical Writing… and other college
Or Adults
:undergraduate or graduate level
test prep: TOFEL, GED, TESOL, GMAT…and other Tests Preparations
SAT :Math Critical Reading & Writing,
SAT2 :Math Physics Chemistry Biology
ACT :English Math Science
AP :Biology Calculus AB BC Chemistry Physics
Statistics Environmental Science, Anatomy Physiology
IB :Physics Chemistry Biology Math
7th -12th :Algebra1 2 Geometry Trigonometry
PreCalculus Calculus Statistics Physics Chemistry Biology Creative Writing,
Writing & Grammar Reading Comprehension
K-6th :Math, Science Writing & Grammar Reading
(909) 373 - 6928
시간당$80or higher/hr :College Courses, or Other Tests Preparations:
Call for detail)
시간당$75/hr (AP classes, SAT / ACT)
시간당$70/hr (9th – 12th)
시간당$65/hr (5th - 8th)
시간당$60/hr (K- 4th)
Each tutoring session is 2 hours long:각 과외시간은 2시간 부터입니다.
[ TRANSIT FEE EXTRA : 이동시간에 따라 추가출장비
있습니다 ]
[방문과외와 온라인과외:둘다 가능합니다]
I am also
offering live online tutoring for students those who need tutoring but cannot
get in-person tutoring due to conflicts with location, transit time, or
personal schedule.
필요하신 학생들중 과외장소, 이동시간, 또는
개인스케줄 때문에 직접 만나서 과외가 힘드신 학생들을 위한 온라인 실시간 과외도 하고 있습니다.