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작성일 : 20-06-03 20:34
Illiyoon) 일리윤 유산균 에센스 & 세라마이드 추천제품!
 글쓴이 : 산타

Illiyoon) 일리윤 유산균 에센스 & 세라마이드 추천제품!

  • Essence that cares for sensitive skin and strengthens the skin barrier with lactobacilius soluble ingredients.
  • lactobacillus soluble ingredients derived from kimchi strengthen the skin barrier and help maintain the skin's original strength.
  • Fresh fragrance and texture without stickiness. Apply lactobacillus directly to the skin.
  • Water type essence formation : Applies moisture easily to a wide area with only one drop.
  • Allergy tested for sensitive skin. Hypoallergenically tested, dermatologically tested and eye irritation replacement tested.
  • 유해성분 없기로 유명한 일리윤 미국 직배!
  • Illiyoon) 일리윤 유산균 에센스 & 세라마이드 추천제품!


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