작성일 : 15-01-09 10:46
Insurance Full-Time
글쓴이 :
Good Friend
 조회 : 1,463
저희 보험 회사에서 꿈과 희망을 함께 키우시고 같이 나누실 분을 찾습니다.
Personal Team UW/CSR Commercial Team UW/CSR Health Team Account Manager Agents
모집 조건:
이중언어 (영어, 한국어) 능통하신 분 취업에 결격사유 없으신 분 풀타임 (Mon thru Fri)
의료, 치과, 비젼 보험, 휴가등의 Benefit 해택
Now Hiring for following Positions:
Personal Team UW/CSR Commercial Team US/CSR Health Team Account Manager Agents
Must be Bilingual (Korean & English) Equivalent Experience will be plus Full Time Position/ After initial probation period Medical, Dental & Vision Benefit Paid Vacation and other benefits
Please send Resume to HR Department: hr@ugfriend.com
ISU UNI & Good Friend Insurance 3580 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1510 Los Angeles, CA 90010