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작성일 : 13-09-02 16:33
에세이 서비스 (UC Berkeley합격 UW Seattle 전액장학금 Engineering Direct Admit; NYU 학생 Stern Business School)
 글쓴이 : Kevinandmark
조회 : 2,637  

UC Berkeley합격

UW Seattle 전액장학금 Engineering Direct Admit.

고교시 AP (Advanced Placement) 13개 (2년 연속 National AP Scholar with Distinction),

미대통령상 (President's Award for Educational Excellence),

UW 영어수업 (English131) 4.0학점

AP English Language & Composition score of 5

SAT 점수 2200+

NYU Stern Business School

고교시 AP (Advanced Placement) 12개 (National AP Scholar with Distinction),

SAT 점수 2200+

Our services strictly divide into two types: editing and writing essays.

저희는 에세이 교정과 에세이 작문 서비스를 제공해드립니다.

Why choose us?

We have strong writing abilities that have consistently earned us top grades (4.0) within our respective classes and are confident that our work will impress any college admission readers. We have both been through the college application process and have put in countless hours researching and writing college essays and know what admission officers look for. Most of our competitors are much older and distanced from the college application days, and don't realize just how much more competitive the college application process has become. Moreover, we offer prices much more reasonable than others who are offering similar services as well as guaranteed speed.

Your wait will be fives days maximum upon receipt of the payment to ensure the quality of the writing. Once we finish editing or writing the essays, we will email them to you.

Prices: 가격은 단어 개수에 따라 정해집니다.

Editing --

~250 words = $25

250-650 words = $35

650+ words = $45

Essays (We write a common app or supplemental essay starting from scratch)--

~250 words = $75 (supplemental essay)

250-650 words = $100 (main common app essay)

650+ words = $125 (other college-specific essays)

*Discounts available for multiple essays.*

*에세이 여러개를 단체 주문시 할인해드립니다*

How it works: 서비스 이용 방법

1.) Email us at about the type of service you request. Please include all of the following important details:

- Type of service (editing or essay writing)

- Essay type (supplemental, main common app, college-specific)

- Prompt

- Word limit

- A rough guideline (if requesting essay)

- Your essay (if requesting editing services).

2.) We will then calculate the price and settle with you which direction the essay will go. 으로 위에 쓰여져있는 정보를 보내주시면 정확한 가격과 에세이 방향에대해 연락드리겠습니다.


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