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13515 1/4 E. Village Dr.
Cerritos , CA 90703
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We guarantee that you will be able to use your credit card securely while shopping at Toner4Sale.com. Yahoo! Shopping uses the latest browser encryption technologies, which provides the highest level of security currently available and insures secure transactions. All important and private financial & personal information is encrypted before it is transmitted to us. Encrypted personal information can not be read or recorded as it is being transmitted over the internet.

Toner4Sale.com Privacy Policy
Toner4sale.com will never sell or distribute the personal information -- including names, addresses, telephone numbers, credit card information and email addresses -- of any customer. We use customer information we collect only for the purposes of filling orders, contacting purchasers to inform them of their order status.
Our computer system protects personal information using advanced firewall technology.

Yahoo! Shopping Privacy Policy
Yahoo! Shopping is a TRUST-e certified, meaning that an outside body has certified that Yahoo! Shopping does not improperly use any personal information collected from customers while online.
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